Like Any Good Canadian Would Say, Sorry, America.

Credits: Photo - Anonymous, Styling - Sarah G Schmidt, Location - Mission, Calgary

The post I had ready for today was trashed. I, like so many others, was totally shocked as the 2016 American Election results poured in last night. If you asked me a day ago I would have laughed if you told me that was party or leadership I thought I was waking up a neighbour to.

I hoped that my neighbours chose love over fear.

I dreamed that progress would be the choice of Americans over hate.

I wished for a woman in a pantsuit rather than being Trumped.

Canada and the USA are closely tied in many ways. Our close geography, economies, trade, and security to name a few. The next four years will be a test of our diplomacy and humanity.

As a Canadian, I hope that we keep our differences with America too. Like the @Canada tweet, we celebrate differences, not threaten to destroy them.

Via @Canada Twitter.

Via @Canada Twitter.

My heart breaks for residents who are afraid of their new President and what he and his policies could bring to them and their families. Please remember no matter how dark it gets you are not alone. If you need some support, it’s there waiting for you.

And for those joking about moving to Canada, come on up. Bring a warm jacket because hell may have just froze over.


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