Spring Time is the Right Time to Tackle that Closet
Credit: Photo - Anonymous, Styling - Sarah G. Schmidt, Location - Winners, Beacon Hill
There’s nothing quite like spring time to inspire a tidy up and refresh of your closet. Spring cleaning is one of the most wonderful times of the year for me. The days are getting longer, the buds are starting to get their bud on, and people are out working on their yards. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh. I can hear birds a-tweet-tweeting right now.
I say, be sure to focus some of that buzz worthy energy on the inside of your home, especially that burdensome closet that may need a loving, freshen up. I’m all for it. Should you not be ready for professional help – or are more of a DIY’er – here are a few guidelines for how to get that wardrobe ship into shape.
Gentle Guidance
Please know that there’s no one “right” way. Each person is a bit different. With that in mind, I can share some observations I’ve had over the years firsthand. For new clients, I suggest that before I arrive for our wardrobe audit appointment that they put like things together. Skirts with all other skirts, sweaters with sweaters, for example. That way we can see what there is and we can tackle it together. I suggest trying every garment on and looking in a full length mirror and decide if it gets to stay. My criteria are threefold: it must fit (tailor if required), it must flatter (is the colour nice on your skin and hair?), and do you sincerely like the image it portrays (feel good in it.)?
Some people can tackle their wardrobe in a morning or afternoon. Others need to go slow and do a bit each day over a couple of weeks. It’s up to you. There’s no pressure. I remind clients of two things. One, you reached out for help for a reason. Be honest with yourself and your life. Two, the goal is to love how you look in a garment. If it doesn’t make you feel joy, it’s so, so, so not worth it. Please don’t let clothes make you feel any negative emotion, there’s no benefit in that as it will show in how you carry yourself. Clothes should lift you up, not drag you down.
Approachable How-To’s
Should you want a more specific how to there are a couple of good options. The first is uniform dressing. This is where you wear the same types of items on repeat. Are you a jeans, T, blazer and heels type of girl? Great, wear that everyday. Do you prefer suits? Cool, do you. It takes the guesswork out of dressing and let’s you simply wear – and buy more of - what you already love.
Next is the idea of capsule wardrobes. This can be for a set period of time. Some do a season, multiple months, or years. You get to choose. Here you select a set amount of items, usually under 40 pieces, in a complementary colour pallete and just wear that. That’s it. Project 333 sets out a solid case for it. Pinterest is exploding with ideas on capsule wardrobes for men and women. Pick your select wardrobe “crew” and then ride or die with them for the time period you set.
Tough Love Method
For those ready to really sink in and de-clutter their wardrobes – and life – look no further than Marie Kondo’s book, “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.” This Japanese organization guru takes the reader, step by step, how to de-junk their life, starting with their clothing. Be warned. Her method is strict, brutal, and yet effective. It’s true to the title.
In essence she recommends that you gather all your clothes – work, casual, jackets, shoes, undies, work out, EVERYTHING – all in one room and go through it item per item with your own two hands. The purpose, I think, is to overwhelm you a bit with the excess and bulk of how things can often build up. You’re next impulse is to get rid of things. Yippeee. Ultimately, if you don’t touch it and love it, you let it go. Be warned, if you start this, you won’t want to stop. You’ll likely want to do you whole home. That’s what I think she intended.
Inhale, exhale. Your wardrobe, your choice. Just get started.