Vegas Epiphany: What's The Ideal Temperature to Get Dressed?
Maybe it’s because I was on vacation. Maybe it’s because it’s been so very cold in Calgary. Or maybe it’s because it’s Las Vegas and most things seem better there. No matter the various contributing factors I think I’ve had a style epiphany. Here’s my latest hypothesis: I think 17 degrees Celsius is the most stylish temperature to get dressed in.
Hear me out.
I’ve been to Vegas in the late spring many times. Usually it’s 25 to 35 degrees Celsius outside, 15 degrees inside. You go back and forth from melting in sundresses when walking outdoors and instant goose flesh freezing inside due to the blasted – and blasting - AC. It’s a never comfortable temperature situation. You’re either underdressed or in a way too hot self sweat puddle. Bah.
Back home, if it hovers just above or below zero you’ve got to layer. Really layer. Then you’re fumbling with keeping dibs on your scarf, toque, parka, mittens, pride, and boots. Oooofta. It’s a necessary evil on the Canadian Prairie winter we are currently enjoying. But it’s not mandatory when you go on vacation. Vacations are optional (unless you’re on the hook). You get to choose where you jet off to. It’s a totally privileged luxury so why not go all in?
This time in Vegas I enjoyed a range of just over 15 degrees in the day and just under it in the wee hours of the morning. To my surprise it wasn’t bad. It was actually great. I feel I more fully understand the joys of a dry winter on the west coast. You’ve got the sun but not the sweat.
Back in Vegas, as I looked at others it was an, “Outfit inspo for chilly days,” Instagram worthy déjà vu situation. Usually I eye roll at “winter” wardrobe suggestions in magazines and online. I live in Calgary; it’s too damn cold out to not freeze your tushy off wearing so little.
For instance, in Calgary we could not wear a slip dress to the knee with a cardigan sweater and a toque and be comfortable when it’s below zero? I look at the visuals and scream inside my head…
“Where’s the stockings so your legs don’t freeze (or veracious vein like my grandma - accurately or old wives tale influenced, we'll never know - warned)?”
“Uggggh we’re saying no coat? That sweater is cozy, yeah, but hardly sufficient when paired with just a sleeveless silk.”
Am I right?
And, don’t get me started on the token toque. It is like Californian based brands are mocking us northern neighbours. As if to say, “All you need is a toque to stay warm all winter. So cozy!” Not quite.
I now see that maybe they meant the fashion suggestions for the very temperature I was enjoying. At 15 or so degrees it’s brisk outside, yes, but not human ice cube freezing. When you’d walk from the inside to the outside I wasn’t blasted with the nearly 22-degree dip in temperature. I was, dare I say, comfortable. It was nearly the same inside as it was outside.
As I looked around it was a walking “winter” catalogue. I saw men in crew neck knit sweaters and khaki pants. Ladies in cocktail dresses and lightweight wool capes draped over their shoulders. Stockings were actually optional. There were floor length gowns and 3 piece suits without the typical beads of sweat dangling ever so dangerously on brow bones ready to dive. Sure, it wasn’t hot enough for shorts or wee dresses, but that’s okay. It’s a welcome change for Sin City. If it were captured on social media all we were missing was the shame-hate basic revolt inducing seasonal latte and a #blessed #cozy #brrr caption.
Oh no. I’ve become one of them.
Need further proof? I did wear a slinking slip dress with a cardigan – bedazzled of course – with glee. I finally understood. West coast winter is not a fallacy made up by opportunistic brands, it’s a sartorial dream temperature for mega style. Thanks Las Vegas. You’ve done it again. Something old is new again.